Nursing homes have a duty to recognize residents that are fall risks in order to identify interventions to prevent the resident from falling, and to minimize complications and injuries from falls that do take place.
Residents should be assessed for their risk of falls upon admission, quarterly, annually and with change of condition such as by using a Fall Assessment Form. The resident's score should be used to determine the resident's risk of falling and to assist with development of care plans.
Some interventions that may be used with residents who are at lower risk of falling include:
orient resident to their surroundings and assigned staff
check lighting is adequate for safe environment
non-slip footwear
call bell within reach
light cord within reach
personal care items within reach
bed at lowest position and wheels locked
room clear of environmental hazards (cords, furniture, etc.)
ambulate resident as frequently as appropriate
Residents that are at moderate risk for falling may also be given these interventions:
Every two hour comfort and toileting rounds (this may include positioning, offering snacks, ensuring warmth, ambulating, etc.
consult with MD or consultant pharmacist (evaluate side effects of medications
personal bed or chair alarm
seat belt
therapy evaluation or re-evaluation
other consults
High risk may include these interventions:
move resident closer to nursing station as available
all other suggested interventions previously not implemented
bedside mat on floor
more frequent observation· (every 1 hour) for toileting and comfort rounds
Personal clip alarm applied/ repositioned
Bed alarm added / checked / strip changed ·
Seat belt applied (Velcro / Clip)
Medications reviewed with physician
Physician notified of complaint of weakness / dizziness
Low bed
Padded mat at bedside
Added to toileting schedule
Non-skid socks applied
Slippers / shoes applied
Physical therapy evaluation/ re-evaluation
Occupational therapy evaluation / re-evaluation
Orthostatic blood pressure check
Floor checked for spills
Wires, cords, moved from area
Eye exam ordered
Call bell checked
Resident reminded to call for assistance
Resident reminded to use walker / wheelchair
Walker / Wheelchair repositioned within reach
Commode at bedside
If you, a family member or a friend have been injured due to the neglect of others in a New York nursing home, call Leitner Varughese at (855) LV LAW NY (855-585-2969), or visit our website at http://www.lvlawny.com.