The New York Daily News just reported a troubling story that an unsupervised New York nursing home dementia patient wandered off in the freezing cold, without a coat, during transfer between two Brooklyn nursing homes. He was found 12 hours later miles away at a hospital in Queens County. The incident reportedly occurred during transfer between Crown Heights Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation and Linden Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in East New York, Brooklyn.
It is routine nursing home protocol in such situations for transporting drivers to take the resident into the facility and complete the transfer with a staff member, so as to never leave dementia patients unsupervised. It was reported that the New York State Department of Health was notified about the incident.
The New York law firm Leitner Varughese are recognized as premier attorneys handling cases involving nursing home negligence, abuse and neglect in New York.
The liability of a nursing home owner or employees can result from:
Negligent personal supervision and care,
Negligent hiring and retention of employees,
Negligent maintenance of the premises, and
Negligent selection or maintenance of equipment.
Some of the most common signs of nursing home injuries that are caused by abuse include:
Injuries that occur in a patient who is bed-bound
Dehydration or malnutrition
Head injuries or fractures
Severe infections
Bedsores that have reached later stages that involve underlying tissue or bone
Injuries such as bruises, cuts, welts or wounds that have no explanation
Several injuries that are all at differing stages of healing
Some of the most commonly reported non-physical signs that are reported include:
Sudden withdrawal, especially in patients who were once outgoing
Noticeable agitation or signs of being upset
A reluctance or refusal to speak with you when staff members are in the room
The patient suddenly desiring to be away from others, or place him or herself in isolation
Unexplainable and sudden fear of others touching him or her
Unusual behavioral changes such as biting or incessant rocking
If you, a family member or a friend have been injured due to the neglect of others in a New York nursing home, call Leitner Varughese at (855) LV LAW NY (855-585-2969), or visit our website at http://www.lvlawny.com.