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Nursing Home Negligence Lawsuits


As nursing home chains and investment groups continue to buy up nursing homes across the United States, and put "profits" before "people", the number of claims of nursing home abuse, neglect, and negligence, continues to rise across the country, and specifically in New York State. In this regard, the number of nursing home negligence settlements and jury verdicts also continue to rise. Verdicts and settlements against nursing homes for abuse, mistreatment and neglect of residents have ranged from several hundreds of thousands of dollars to multi-million dollar verdicts against neglectful nursing facilities.

Some of the concerning areas in which we are seeing increased lawsuits include pressure ulcer a/k/a pressure sore or decubitus ulcers, fall/accident cases involving fractures, head trauma, brain bleeds, subdural hematoma, hip fracture, femur fracture, massive infections, chocking related deaths, and many other areas.

Through significant verdicts against nursing homes, juries are sending a clear message to nursing home corporations that they will no longer tolerate them putting profits before people. However, the nursing home industry, insurance industry, and medical industry in general, routinely pay lobbyists and use other tactics to attempt to limit legitimate claims against nursing homes by restricting lawsuits in many different ways. Some of these tactics include: taking away nursing home residents' rights to have a jury of their peers decide their case, and instead compel the resident to be judged instead by a single arbitrator; restricting the amount of damages that a nursing home resident can sue for; forcing residents to bring their lawsuits in venues favorable to the nursing home and unfavorable to the resident. These are the same tactics used by the massive medical malpractice and pharmaceutical/drug industries to restrict lawsuits and court access to victims of their respective negligence.

If you have a question regarding the rights of a loved one who was injured in a New York State nursing home, whether by abuse, neglect, mistreatment or negligence, it is imperative that you contact attorneys Brett Leitner and Justin Varughese at Leitner Varughese PLLC today. Our attorneys have spearheaded the effort to bring justice to those victims of nursing homes that fail to protect the rights of our most vulnerable citizens. In just the past few years, the attorneys at Leitner Varughese have recovered over $50,000,000.00 on behalf of nursing home residents who have been injured.

Leitner Varughese Warywoda  LONG ISLAND

425 Broadhollow Road #417, Melville, NY 11747
Text Message:  212-671-1110
The information you obthis site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice.  You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.

*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.  The Firm's attorneys acted as trial counsel, attorneys of record and/or otherwise facilitated in the recoveries of the stated verdict and settlements.  Certain verdicts and settlements achieved by trial counsel and/or outside counsel.  Attorney advertising.

Leitner Varughese Warywoda 

14 Penn Plaza #1718, New York, NY 10122
Text Message:  212-671-1110
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